New locks

You can find our new locks below. Scroll down and find out about our battery locks solutions, the new big tire frame locks and our folding lock assortment.

Battery pack locks

With the increasing popularity of E-bikes, battery pack locks are becoming more important. We work together with several drive line manufactures to create a save and solid solution. We have locks for the latest models, key alike solutions and if you have the need for a customized solutions, please contact us.

Big tire frame locks

New sizes: Designed with extra large opening of 75 and 92 mm the new Trelock RS 480/481 and AXA Imenso fit to Bikes and E-Bikes with wide tires and fenders. For increased security demands, they can be used with additional plug-in chains.

Folding locks

E-Bikes require a good security solution. Our Folding Lock Range is designed with special focus on E-Bike needs: Approved security, one-key-solutions with battery locks, innovative brackets that are easy to use and well fit on frames with low space.